The team


(The BOSS) She is the one who welcomes you during your calls, who manages all the administrative and commercial part of Vert-Intense and Bananes Vertes. Laurence is also a Mountain Guide, Canyon, Tree Climbing, and BESAAPT. You can therefore question her, she has a good mastery of techniques and the terrain.

Hélene and julie

It’s Hélène or Julie who usually welcome you to the green bananas, they take great care of you. she also manages the bar near the swimming pool. between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. it is the ideal place to share for good times of conviviality.

After your departure, they intervene to ensure that your accommodation is ready again for the next guests.


Les Bananes Vertes occupy 5000M² of land in a tropical environment. Guy has the difficult task of maintaining and decorating this magnificent garden so appreciated by our guests. he also takes care of the maintenance of the lodges.


DE AEM, he is the one you meet most often on hikes around the volcano. A native of the island, he has walked barefoot in the foothills of Soufrière since he was very young.


Passionate about caving, it is the canyon which today satisfied his passion. He is on all BE AEM canyon outings, FFME Canyon Instructor, DE Canyon


DE Canyon, Passionate about canyoning, he’s the new kid on the block, he’s present all year round in Guadeloupe, 


he's the youngest member of the team, he divides his time between hiking, canyoning, training


Founder of Vert-intense, BE AEM, DE CANYON, VTT. He now spends more time in the office than on the trails he has traveled for more than 20 years.